At 31 years of age, in a little storefront church in Pacoima, California, the Lord changed the life of a man who was already written off from family and society. I walked into what would be the beginning of something greater than my own recovery. I received the gift of the Holy Ghost and was baptized a few months later. I made a vow to serve the Lord for the rest of my life. My desire was to reach my four sons and restore our relationships. This was the moment God changed a hopeless case into salvation for an entire family.

While the Lord was working in me in California, He was also working in my future wife’s life here in Arizona. As separate families (not married) we both had something in common, restoration of self and our children. Her journey was a rough road returning to the Lord as a single mother of five. She witnessed two of her children get baptized in Jesus name and at that moment the Lord started to piece her life together.

Soon after, our paths crossed and she caught my eye. And the story goes... She heard a loud laugh and saw me for who I was, boisterous and madly in love with tacos. Boy do I love tacos!

I began to encourage her and build her up through the word, she began to encourage me to put the tacos down and eat more salads. Are we opposites! Although she lost that battle, I won her heart. November 17th of the year 2012 we became a family of eleven. Let the teens and early adulthood growing pains begin. I can't tell you I knew what I was doing but definitely had a crash course of Parenting 101. No textbook could prepare us for what we had coming. However, God surely had his hands upon us.

In such a short time we were blessed to have five of our children baptized in Jesus name and currently planning another, three more to go! Thank you Jesus!

When I think of Grace and Mercy, I reflect on our lives. When I think of Hope and another chance, I wonder, where we would be without it? I see from where He brought us and I know there is a God of love. Broken, He has restored us, put us in order and completed us individually. 

This is our story and this is how we became Christian Restoration Center. A place of mending, strengthening and perfecting. We are a people of God that are not confined to a building, but to carry out the Great Commission and spread God's gospel.

In love and service,                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Pastor Larry & Lisa Quilon

“Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well-pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.” Hebrews 13:21 KJV